Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How do you find time for your spouse?

Today I was planing on writing about something else. Wednesdays are Random Topic Day, but as I read through my twitter today I came across a tweet by Megan Calhoun @SocialMoms that asked the question: How do you find time for your spouse? It immediately caught my attention. How do you find time for your spouse? - What do you love most about your spouse? Do you guys go out once a month? What was the last thing your partner did to make you smile? I wasn't aware that Social Moms had writing prompts and I decided to give it a try.
My hubby works a lot, he's not only the owner of his own businesses but he also has a full time job separate from that. Most days he comes home late at night and we don't spend that much time together. It is only after 11:30pm that I get the chance to lay down in bed and watch some movie or a show on TV and we spend that time together. The tough part is that I tend to fall asleep really fast especially on days when I haven't had a nap before he gets home. I find it helpful to take a nap before 10pm so that I can stay awake later.
On the weekends sometimes we get the chance to go out as a family, last weekend we went to the Jekyll and Hyde Club restaurant with the kids and a friend that was visiting NY for the first time. I enjoy a lot those times when we have the opportunity to share as a family. As for couple time, I feel that my favorite part is feeling his arm around me when we sleep, having him close and feeling his warmth makes me instantly smile.
I love when he is silly with the girls and plays with them, and how thoughtful and giving he is. I appreciate when he text me to tell me something that happened in his day, or to share a silly picture he made on his phone, or when he surprises us with something new.
My husband and I are very different, we like different things and our ideas of going out and having fun are very different, but we've learned to work around that and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great story. I think that there's always 'time' to show the other person that you're thinking of them. It's the small things that matter.


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