What are your tips for a mom who is starting a blog? -
Like most of you know this blog was born in February 2011 as a daily Blog, I still consider myself a new mom Blogger simply because I am new, but I still have some advice I can give out to moms who are thinking about starting a blog.
What advice would you give to a mom who is thinking about starting a blog? I want to hear your comments here too, I sure need some ideas as well. But on my two cents I recommend any mom thinking about starting her own blog to read the e-book Blogging in Pink: A Woman's Guide I believe reading that book was what finally gave me the tools to start head on Blogging. I had read many other books before but none where so helpful.
Did you ever have doubts that anyone would want to read yours, and if so, how did you overcome that and other limiting thoughts regarding it?
I was terrified that no one would read my Blog, however after I started using Twitter and making some friends there and following other mom Bloggers and having them respond to my tweets made me feel confident that at least one person would read it. I kept a random Blog for over a year under a different name, and 1 person read one of my posts, I was happy for that one person and that one post, but knowing that I was writing and no one was reading was really depressing, it takes away on your inspiration. I suggest getting a Twitter account, and Facebook, and promoting your Blog there, I'm sure someone will read it.
Do you have any easy tips for design, content, increasing followers, etc.?
As for design I use Blogger's Template Designer and it's very versatile and easy to use. About content I got the idea from the book Blogging in Pink to assign a topic for each day of the week, so that helps a great deal at the time to choose what to write, and you can always change your mind if you want to talk about something that happened that day. Also a great source of ideas is Social Moms:Writing Prompts and at the same time joining Social Moms it's a great resource in itself, even to get followers.
How about you? Do you have any tips that you would like to share?
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