Monday, March 28, 2011

Household - Chores and Routines

About a week ago, Amy the Expert Organizer came to my home and helped me declutter a section of my living room. And while I must say that it took 3 hours to clear out about 3 sqft of my apt. Amy did more that just help me figure out what to throw, and what to keep and what to do with what I keep, but she also gave me advice on things to do with my kids.
Amy advised me to give my daughters some kind of job, like sharpening all the pencils every Sunday. Each girl has to sharpen all the pencils in the pencil cup on alternating Sundays. We bought a calendar and wrote down the names when each of them have to sharpen the pencils, bought them an electric sharpener and let them have fun.
Another job that the girls have is setting and clearing the table, they also alternate between them, one sets the table, the other clears it out and they switch out the next day.
Since we have incorporated these new strategies we all sit at the table to have dinner, we spend more time together, the girls are helping me out, and I believe things are going very good and I am very happy with the results.
What little things you do at home to keep the order? What chores do you give your kids if you have any?
I want to hear from you.

Also if you live in NYC and would like to contact Amy, please email me and I will send you her info.

1 comment:

  1. My nephew has always loved being a little helper from when he was a toddler...even if he wasn't really helping but it made him feel useful, needed and part of the action. He used to trail along his toy cart to help my Mum weed the garden, sweep the kitchen floor (even though he was just pushing dirt from one end to the other) and now that he's older he loves helping his mum carry the groceries. I think it's fantastic! Kids need the attention so they feel that they belong and that they are worth your time. It's often taken for granted. I'm glad you are able to find time to bond with your girls :)


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