OK, OK, I might be exaggerating a bit here. But haven't you ever felt like you HAVE TO BE Earth Friendly? Do Not Waste, Reuse, Recycle. Then when you look at a bottle of water you see how it can be recycled, when you cook dinner and the food gets burned you see how you have wasted the food, and how there are people in the world that don't have enough to eat. And you feel bad. How about when you buy food, and then your family doesn't eat it all, then you are left with all these leftovers that could serve a purpose, then what? How about the shampoo that you bought but don't like, should you still use it? It doesn't seem right to throw it. Toys your children have outgrown, books, magazines, toilet paper rolls and egg cartons. All these things can be re-used or recycled. What if your house is all cluttered, yet you can't find the time to research a place to take all these things, what if you don't have a car, and you have too much stuff to give away, too much stuff to carry. It makes me feel trapped and self conscious and it makes it hard for me to just close my eyes and throw stuff away.
Don't you ever feel like being earth conscious can be a curse? What is your opinion? I want to know.
God has made earth, our planet for us to enjoy. WE should be good stewards of all things we have. We should take care of the animals, we should not litter because littering this planet will not allow us to enjoy it(Have you ever went to a park that has been trashed?) But also we can get to the extremes and worship the earth instead of God. Progress is a way to we can enjoy this earth, we just have to be conscious not to ruin it. By preventing progress and innovation, we might be able to help with the cocoon and in the process kill the butterfly. Yes being too much earth conscious can bring us a curse.