I decided to use once again the writing prompts of Social Moms and answer the question Have you started Spring Cleaning yet? I never grew up with the term spring cleaning as in Puerto Rico the seasons don't have such a drastic impact as in NYC. Here we have to start thinking about changing the seasonal stuff, like the clothes, switched and getting rid of the things we no longer need. This time I decided to take the time to hire a professional organizer that's going to help us clear out clutter and organize ourselves. I must say that I have a tendency to get frustrated and quit once I feel I have spent a lot of time and effort clearing out stuff and it looks like I have barely made a dent. So I feel that having someone by your side helping you out, someone who is good at it, it will make a huge difference. She already came to our house to review the situation and will be returning on March 22nd to start off with my home office area. She gave me as a homework to give away the exercise bike that I do not use, and move the 3 bikes down from the living room into the bike racks outside and to buy them bike covers so I don't feel worried about them getting ruined in the rain.
So I have to buy these covers and some good locks and start off. Once Amy comes back I will continue to let you know of my progress.
So, what about you? Have you started your Spring cleaning yet? Do you have a specific plan, or method? Please share.
I am starting today...=)