Monday, May 16, 2011

Can you recommend good fiction books? Or any book for that matter?

I am an avid reader, I love to read and I am constantly reading. I believe that books just come to me, maybe through a recommendation I just read about in a webpage, or sometimes I find out about a book from another book, or radio station, or TV show. For whatever reason, books just tend to present themselves to me, at the perfect time.
It used to be hard just carrying so many books around all the time, that's why having my Kindle, the  one my hubby got me for Xmas is such a blessing. I mostly read non-fiction books, but now that I am on this Women's Writing group I find myself with the need to write something for the workshop and then I can't think of anything to write about. I also want to learn how to write fiction, and I haven't read fiction in such a long time.
I tend to read non fiction books, those that teach me about something I am thirsty to learn about. Books that expand my knowledge, that help me solve a problem or necessity, or that will improve my life in some way. It is hard for me to read fiction because I feel like there is nothing to learn from it. Yet there is. In my quest to learn how to write fiction, I have to read fiction.But I have another problem, and that is that I do not like books that have a lot of misery or hardship. I like books that are funny, and that have a little bit of mystery, like the book Good Night, Nobody by

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