Saturday, January 7, 2012

Something You Need Daily

What is something that you think you need daily?

Some people would say coffee, and although I love my coffee, I can say that I am fully capable to go without it. For example, I haven't had coffees since I have been on vacation, which is almost 3 weeks. However, I cannot go by without reading.

About a year ago or more, I was reading the Artist Way and there is one exercise that asks you to stop reading for an entire week. I must say it was an extremely difficult week, and needless to say, I cheated a little bit. The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to pay more attention to our surroundings, take time to enjoy life's little pleasures. I have noticed that I have a tendency to get absorbed in a book or magazine and ignore the rest of the world around me and even though I tried to pay more attention to things I found myself thinking too much. And sometimes too much thinking is not so good.

I use reading as a relaxation exercise. I love reading things that teach me something, it helps me better myself. But I do agree that readers and writers like myself could benefit from just experiencing life as it is. Like when I went to Disney with my girls on this vacation. I had the best time just going on rides and seeing the sights, simply enjoying the day to its fullest. Paying attention to every little detail of our surroundings, and allowing ourselves to be immersed in all the sensations of the day.

But reading is not the only thing I need daily, the other thing I need daily is my girls, just having their presence next to me is what gets me through the days.

Is there anything you believe you need daily?

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