Thursday, January 12, 2012

Did you know that Bankruptcy isn't as bad as people think?

I had always seen bankruptcy as one of the worst things that could happen to a person. Even in board games like monopoly and life, bankruptcy can make you loose.

I also heard that there are companies that help you negotiate your debt and help you pay only half of what you owe. But recently I read that these companies sometimes take advantage of the consumers and take hundreds of dollars in fees.

So in hard economic times what is better? Bankruptcy or Debt Consolidation?

Start Fresh Today offers possible answers to that question they offer a bankruptcy class online
I never even knew that there was such a thing. Start Fresh Today has classes for bankruptcy attorneys, credit counseling agencies and/or for consumers going through the bankruptcy process. If your debt seems to be more than you can handle, find more information and find the path to your financial freedom.

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