Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The first time I saw...

Gaby Born 12-24-2000

Elsie - Born 03-07-2006
The first time I saw my babies was the most loving moment in my life. Not only the first time I saw them as a tiny little pea in a sonogram, but the first time I laid eyes on their cute little faces and smelled them and hugged them.

Having my babies has been the most amazing experience in my life.

Nothing compares to the love one feels when we lay eyes on the cutest babies in our whole world.  Because to every parent our children are the most precious beings in the world.

Both my babies looked very similar, except their hair. I remember the first time I saw Elsie it felt like a Deja Vu as if I had given birth to Gaby again except with curly hair. It was amazing.

How did you feel the first time you laid eyes on your children?  And if you don't have children yet, what is the most amazing thing you have ever laid eyes on?

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