Wednesday, January 11, 2012

If my parents had ever found out...

Has there ever been something that you hid from your parents all the way into adulthood?

Well, I must say there have been many things I have hidden from my parents.  Things that I don't think they even know yet. Things that I am not sure I even want to mention here. But for the sake of answering the question, I am going to say some of those things.

To my mom:

I gave my first kiss at the age of 13, and I wasn't a virgin when I got married. I don't think I ever told my mom, I thought she was going to kill me if she found out. It is silly now, but it's something I always hid.

To my dad:

I have 8 tattoo's. I have never told my dad because he's very religious and having tattoo's is frowned upon.  It's weird because I wasn't raised with my dad and even though we have a lot of things in common, I must say that I have always felt that there's this part of me that wouldn't be accepted by him according to his beliefs. I know he loves me anyway, but I wanted him to know that I am different, and I won't always fit in with what his religious views determine that it is acceptable, but I'm OK with that and I hope he is OK with that too.

Is there anything that you have always hid from your parents, even now as a grownup? It is your chance to fess up!

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