Monday, August 22, 2011

The 10 Days to You Challenge - One Picture - Day 10

I must say this has taken me a couple of days  to figure out. More difficult than the other ones. The thing about this is that I'm the one usually with the camera so I am barely on any picture I have. I have a few pictures from last year but I am 10 lbs lighter now so I'd rather use a recent one.  I looked and looked and couldn't find a picture of myself , by myself that I truly loved, so I decided to use one that I have of my whole family instead.

Do you ever find yourself being the photographer and then realize that you are not on any pictures?

Today marks the last day of the 10 days to You challenge, I hope you enjoyed going through this journey with me. Did you make the posts in your Blog? Please share, I would like to know your answers as well.
And if this is your first time visiting feel free to click on the image of the 10 Days to You challenge that it will take you right to the beginning of it all.


  1. What a great picture. I love to scrapbook so I take tons of pictures. Just like you mentioned I find myself behind the camera instead of in the pictures. I think it might be time to teach one of my kids to work the camera.

  2. Dear Laurita....I am so proud of your journey...I am thinking to do that too...Love your picture...With that you show the world that your true happiness is your own family....Happy of your journey and please I will love to travel with you ....more...=)Big Hugs, Ma!


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