Thursday, June 16, 2011

What creates a Spark in you?

My awesome Friend Valerie wrote a great post called The Secret Life of a Wannabe Writer and she got me thinking about when I was younger and how much I loved celebrity things, TV shows and Movie Trivia, how I watched my favorite Robert Downey JR and Drew Barrymore movies over 50 times each. I would learn every single scene, what music was playing in the background, what people would say, and my lips would move with every word uttered by the actors on the screen. I would collect movie memorabilia and searched constantly on Video Rental Places for the latest movie posters and/or movie cardboard cutouts to put in my bedroom.
Most of my thoughts were dedicated to movies, TV shows, Books of Fantasy and my Dream Journals where I would write all the dreams I had and would then go back and finish up the stories. I would create alternate situations, different endings, etc. I spent most of my childhood daydreaming and to tell you the truth I don't recall much of my real life events, especially 4th Grade, I have no recollection what so ever of being 9. Don't remember what teacher I had, who were my friends, where I lived, what I did, nothing. As I grew up I got married and left that world behind, and tried to concentrate on the present and live in the here and now. But I must admit that for many years I felt awkward, as if I did not know how to live as I was not used to it. I left my dreams behind and concentrated on being content with everything that was presented to me. I decided not to dream, not to want, not to wish for things that I did not believe I could have. After many years I finally realized by discovering the Law of Attraction that the way to be happy and get the best things in life is to have a very specific desire of what you want, to feel that you deserve it, that you can achieve anything and everything that you want, and here I was being content, thinking I did not deserve anything that I didn't already have, not wanting anything, forcing myself to separate from beautiful things, exotic things, fancy things, beautiful houses, nice cars I would refuse to even look at catalogs or magazines that had images of things that most people would love to have, beautiful houses, elegant clothes, beautiful hair, nice make-up, healthy bodies, etc. because seeing these images would cause a reaction in my body of desire for these things and because I believed that I was not capable of getting them so I decided to put them in the back of my mind and forget they even existed. But now I know the secret, and it is that we have to expose ourselves to all those images and thoughts of those things we want, because we deserve to have everything we want, we can have all these things, the world is abundant and it has more than enough things for every single one of us. But we need to be specific, we need to want, we need to ask, we need to have the deep emotional desire to get whatever we want to get and we will receive. So now I am working on bringing back my desire for all these things that make my life happy.
Have you found your spark yet? What makes you happy? Are you open to receive all these happy things in your life?

1 comment:

  1. Being able to live out your dream is a one in a million chance. Unfortunately most of us are inhibited by "real life". I admire people who are not afraid to follow their dreams. I have to admit that whilst I am looking for a job to pay the bills, all I really wish I could do is to write, watch tv and talk to friends on Twitter who are infinitely more interesting than being on conference calls with clueless developers in India which was what I had to do a lot of in my last job. The very thought of having to go back to that sends shivers up and down my spine. If anyone has any advice for living a happy life without compromising their dreams, I'd love to hear about it!


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