Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vision Boards and finding yourself

On Wednesday I went to my Women's Writing Group and we were still working on our Vision Boards. We were all talking about the things we want to see manifested in our lives. I have been cutting images for weeks now, and I can't seem to allow myself to paste them in the board yet. It's like I feel like this is so important that I want to make sure I get it right. I want to make sure I paste everything that I possibly would want in my life. I have been gathering images for my Blog, for my personal life, my family life, a house, body image, etc. When it comes to my Blog, I feel that the imagery I'm getting is very strong. I am very confident with that area. When it comes to body image, and self I am also very confident in that area. But when it comes to my job and getting a house, then I feel very insecure. I worry too much about these aspects. I was planning on making a vision collage that would include all these things, but now that I am confronting these emotions head on, maybe I should keep them separate from my vision collage. I now realize that the reason why I have been so hesitant to start gluing my images is because I was afraid to include images for something I am still not clear about what I want, like the kind of house I want and the kind of work I want to be doing. Had I included these things in my collage, it would have made me doubt the power of the collage and it would have not worked as well. I should concentrate only in my family/self collage and the Blog collage because I have very strong feelings for those areas of my life.  Vision collages should have images that make you feel 100% good, things that you love, things that make you happy, things that represent the things you want manifested in your life.

Today I saw this video and found it appropriate to share with this post. It is about the TV show Finding Sarah, and it's a video with Sarah Ferguson and her Life coach making a Vision Board. Enjoy!


  1. following you from "the third boob....and other adventures in mommyhood"!

  2. I try to do something special with the kids and make it fun!

    I'm a new follower from the blog hop! Nice to meet you! Hope you'll hop by and visit my blog too!


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