Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Should it be OK to wear shirts with profanity in Public?

Today I was walking down the street from my house and I saw a guy with a shirt that read: "F*%$ You and your Stupid Toys" It was in bold large letters that could be read by my daughter from more than 10 feet away. My daughter made a face of Horror and I was surprised that these shirts were even on sale.
I am all for freedom of speech but I do agree in censorship in TV and Radio with curse words and stuff, as I don't want my children to be exposed to that kind of language during the hours when they would be watching TV. So what do you guys think of T-Shirts worn by people in regular places, like the sidewalk next to your house at daytime, just one block from an elementary school. How about at the supermarket? In the park? Is it OK to censor what people wear?
What do you think?

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