Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Social Media Goals for 2012

A brand new year has started and I have been crazy enough to start it of accepting a Blog Dare. You can find out more info by clicking on the button I have on the top right hand side of my Blog.

How this works is that every day we have a new prompt and we must write a quality post about that topic. This dare also works as a Blog Hop since you can add your link to the prompt website and everyone else who has accepted this challenge has the opportunity to check out your posts as well.

I was a little hesitant to join at first sinse I want to be able to write about what's important to me, not just what some other person tells me to write about. However I thought that I also have the choice to post more than once a day. For example I can make the Dare Post to be published at 9am everyday and if I have an additional post I can do so for later after 4pm.

I won't have an excuse for not posting, I can write my posts in advance since I have a whole month of writing promts all ready for me to use them. And I will be free to post about whatever I want whenever I want as well.

Today's prompt is: My Social Media Goals for 2012

This year I am going to post more thanks to this dare. I want to be able to reach a more extensive audience. I am aiming for now for at least 1000 unique visitors a day and be an influential Blog.
I want to also take my Blog and use it to help people in a larger scale. Helping people is something that is very important to me. I want to be recognized. That my Blog be mentioned in other media venues and be able to pay my rent with the income I make from this. Later on I want to ,are enough to have this blog be my main source of income and be able to live a very comfortable life.

What are your social media goals for 2012? Or what are your general goals for this year?

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