Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A few ways I can help someone else this year.

Tax season is here and recently I received a receipt for money I have donated to a particular charity in 2011. As it turns out I made donations that totaled about $350 rounded up. I know that I have given to multiple charities and I have made a lot of donations to the Salvation Army for which I did not ask for a receipt, but somehow, $350 seemed like a small number even if it was less than 12 months since I started donating monthly. I want to be able to donate in the thousands. Last year I was not able to donate as much as I wanted, so this year I want to be able to give more. Not only money wise, I also want to help people through my Blog.

Family is very important to me, and since tomorrow starts a new year for Cocoons2Butterflies I want to dedicate the month of February to Marriage and Family Relationships. It is the month of Love, and the month of hearts, not only for Valentines Day but because it is the American Heart Association's Heart Month and it's also the perfect month for the Go Red campaign.

I am still going to be writing my daily Blog Dare Prompts but will add an additional Post several times a week to include the topic of Family, Marriage, and Heart Health.

My goal is to help people by giving helpful information about how to keep your marriage strong, how to have good relationships with your families and how to take good care of your heart.

What are a few ways that you feel you can help someone this year?

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