Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Carpe diem

Carpe Diem or Seize the Day, is not an expression I use but in the past few months I believe I have done just that.
It has been little things that most people might take for granted, or that some others will think it's not a big deal, like going to the movies on a Tuesday afternoon after school, or taking a road trip to a different state with the girls, going Ice Skating, even daring to go to Spa Castle!

The daring things about Spa Castle is that they have an outdoor pool that is heated, however to get to it you have to go outside in 30 degree weather and run to the pool to keep warm. We were freezing that day but we ran to the pool and stayed there all nice and warm. The bad part was getting out!

I have always been one to live carefully, try not to shake things up too much, and even though it might seem like simple things, they are experiences way outside my comfort zone. And what I have gotten out of it is a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment and enough courage to keep doing things I have never tried before.

Have you ever seized the day? What did you do and how did it feel?

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