Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tween/Teen Dating What's your take on it?

I have been sick, and haven't been sleeping much. I haven't been staying late to write my Blog, but I have so many things that I want to say. Recently I have encountered myself exposed to the probability of Tween/Teen Relationships. It has not been with my children, but with other children I know. And I tend to create bonds with other kids around me, as if they are my own, so I feel like I have a responsibility to them, even if they are not mine.

It got me thinking, about the post I wrote on what I wish I knew when I was 13. And how there are many things that I didn't even put on that list. When I was 13 I fell in love with a boy who was a "bad boy". He was into heavy metal and wore an earring. He was always in trouble and wasn't allowed to go out much so our relationship was one mainly on the phone. We maybe saw each other about 6 times. My mom didn't like him, but in a way that make me like him more. It was silly, but it was my way of exploring my feelings and trying to figure out what was going on with me and growing up. I was very lucky that I was raised in a nice environment with nice people. Had I been raised in a bad neighborhood and allowed to hang out with bad influences then things would have turned out very differently. I had a very clear idea of what I was allowed to do and what I wasn't supposed to do, and there was a real fear of authority, I mean I was afraid of what my mom would do to me if I would ever do something I wasn't supposed to do. So for the most part I didn't do anything that I wasn't supposed to do. But in a way that made me wonder, and left many questions unanswered regarding the things I would dare to do, or maybe about things I wanted to do but was to afraid to do.

When I think about the things I want for my daughters I think that when they are old enough to date I would want them to know that they are bound to have feelings that might make them confused, but that they are all part of growing up and that it is perfectly natural to have feelings and emotions toward boys. I want them to know the things that they can do, and what they should wait to do. Talk to them about the risks, the signs, and make them feel that they have someone that will listen to them and answer all the questions that they may have, and that I would be there for them no matter what.

If I had a boy I would want him to know that it is OK to be attracted to girls and that certain parts of their bodies will get their attention more that others and that it is also OK to think about it. I would want him to know that they should respect girls, and to take care of himself and not do anything that could put him or a girl at risk of anything.

At the end of the day, we all have feelings about sex, and love and that is part of what it makes us human. And I want my children to learn that sex is not a bad evil thing, and that they should be knowledgeable and smart, and learn to make the right decisions at the right time and to always act responsibly and be safe.

This is such a touchy subject and can sometimes be taboo, but I think that telling a kid that they are forbidden to date is just pushing them to do it even more, and without a parent's guidance they are bound to make more mistakes than if they had been allowed to express themselves openly in front of their parents.

What do you think about teen dating? What age would you allow your child to date? Are the rules different from boys than from girls?


  1. I see no one is commenting. I'm very open to debate, I welcome different opinions than mine. :)

  2. Well having a tween daughter myself I know the "wanting" to have a boyfriend, but my DH and I have set the rules NO DATES NOW ages14-17 group dates only, same rule for my son( only 5 so we're good for now)
    I've had a few conversations with my daughter about sex, mostly right now she's uncomfortable talking to us...I do have an Aunt who's more like a SIS to me that she will talk to and then my Aunt will tell me...I've got the same feelings you do about teaching them to be safe and give them the power of knowledge.

  3. Thanks for your comment. I really want to learn how other parents are dealing with this issue. My daughter is just 10 but I want to be prepared for when the time comes.
    I see you say only group dates from 14 to 17. How about having the boy visit at home? I would be up for that, but boys would NOT be allowed in the bedrooms ever! Only in the living room where they can be watched :)

  4. boys for sure would be welcome in our for the bedroom, my daughter has no door on her bedroom LOL, but they would be limited to the living room or family room under watchfuleyes =)


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