Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What you wish you knew at 13?

 I am reviving this post I wrote a while back, because I believe that it has important information that I would like to share especially since now I am getting more views.

The other day as I put my nine year old daughter to sleep and I listened to her talk about tween dilemas I realized as I saw tears trickle down her face that children are just learning about the world. They are at the very beginning of life, when the worst worries are about fitting in, and homework. A time when you cry over a mean comment or get frustrated when homework is too boring. They do not worry about bills to pay or their safety, or about eating healthy or being able to keep a job. They don't have to worry about retirement or elderly parents or any of the worries that we grownups have. And it hit me. What if we could prepare our children to be well adjusted adults by letting them in on well kept secrets only grown-ups know.
That's why I created this website.
Children need to be able to grow with healthy self esteems, know to make decisions that will help them to make better choices.
As I look back upon my life I wonder about the things I wish my mom would have told me about life that I never got to find out until I was all grown. I also see myself constantly searching for my true identity at 35 when I should have found out at least 20 years ago. This constant search for answers, a steady flow of doubt and insecurities that has troubled me for years. What if I had known then what I know now? Would my life be different? What if I had started writing 20 years ago, would my career be better? And although its true that there are many things we will only learn the hard way, there are others that should be learned early on so as to make the most out of your experiences.
Of the things I wish I had known at 13 I have included a few.
* Pay attention to the things you love. There's always a way to make a living doing what you love.
* Date people and learn what qualities you like in a partner and which ones you don't.
* You dont need a college degree to be an artist. Take courses on each technique youd like to learn and practice practice practice.
* It is ok to make mistakes, and to do things you want even though they may not be approved by others.
* If something peaks your interest, research it & explore it.
* Once you have children your life will never be the same.
* Take time to learn about your family history & culture. Know your grandparents.
* Stay true to yourself, & if you dont know what that is. Make it your purpose to find out.
* Give your time to a cause you believe in. Every effort makes a huge difference.
* Find happiness in everyday things.
* Be grateful.
* Dont be afraid to be silly.
* Be a mentor and/or follow one.
* Cultivate your spirit.
* Be kind.
* Be strong.
* Have faith always.
* Don't be afraid to try and change the world.

Dove has been working on helping girls increase their self esteem and they have in their website a part where you can say to others What do you wish you knew when you where 13.

I believe the problem is not finding things to teach our children, but finding a way to teach them so that they will be receptive to the lesson. Because there are things that cannot be told. They have to be experienced in order for them to be learned.

What things you know now that you wish you had learned as a child? And what ideas you have on techniques to teach these ideas? I want to hear from you.


  1. I wish I would not have hung back so much, been more social. I was so shy. Now I can speak my mind easily. If I could have done that then it would have been good. I would tell 13 year old me to speak up, never be afraid to say what you need or voice an opinion.

  2. "If something peaks your interest, research it & explore it"

    I wish now I would have tried a few more things as a teen-I did some things but never went much out of my comfort zone.

    This is a wonderful list...with you OK I'd like to print out a copy and share with my daughter...TY for sharing.

  3. Let me add to your list ...*Not to be AFRAID....

    Afraid to ask ,Afraid to say NO ,Afraid to give your point ,Afraid be True to Yourself.

    The great thing that happen is that You found out later in Life..... What the 13 year old Life..... was all about and you can share this with your daughters, nieces, parents and I am sure with the smart and happy 13 year old that I am sure Lives inside .... The Wonderful YOU...=)

    Be Happy...Love You.....Ma=)

  4. Hello,
    Stopping from VB, Members to remember group C.

  5. Hi! Stopping by from VB Member C Group! Following GFC, Twitter, FB & gave this post a +1! Please stop by to say hi!

  6. This is a great list... have a long one in my head right now : )

  7. Great post! I'm right there with you, it took me quite awhile to get comfortable in my own skin, even though others didn't see it. Better late than never. ;)

  8. There's so much I wish I knew at 13. Like "Go to college as you plan in 5 years, but don't major in education. It's not for you but being a teacher's assistant is. Major in writing instead."

    Stopping by from voiceBoks!
    ~Sarah the Writer

  9. No major regrets here except for my college choice. My advice: go to a college where you have to pay little back. Ivy League dreams just cost you more than its worth. An undergraduate education is the same everywhere. How would I teach this lesson? Save your loan note and show your kids how much interest accrued. If that doesn't scare them, I don't know what will. Visiting from VB.

  10. This opens a whole list of things I wish I had known. One major lesson at 13 I wish would have been is to stop trying to grow up so fast.
    Visiting from VB

  11. Wow, great things, lots of things anybody should know at 13. Oh the things that would be different sometimes.

    Visiting from VB.


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