Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Structure for Cocoons 2 Butterflies

When I created Cocoons 2 Butterflies, I did it because I was trying to find myself. I knew I had difficulty being true to myself and I figured that writing would help me get there. But that was not my only reason.

I made this page because in my quest to find my passion in life I encountered many other people who like me had lost their spark, and I wanted to be able to help others who where in the Journey to Self Discovery. People who go through life just wondering who they are, living day to day just surviving. I want to be able to help through my writing those people who also find themselves lost.

My third reason for making this blog was because once I became a parent I realized how important the role of a parent is. Our children depend on us to show them to way, to inspire them, to help them identify at a early age what their strengths are so they can develop them. We need to help our children find their true identities, or inner butterflies at a young age so that they can make the most out of every day of their lives.

Finding the best way to achieve this has been difficult, as there is so much information out there, so many things that I am learning day to day. It makes me wonder what is the best way to share all this knowledge with the world.

I am really grateful that since I started writing many events have occurred that have taken me from not knowing at all who I am to being certain of who I am and learning new things every day. Things that I can't wait to share with all of you.

My main obstacle right now is How to organize all this information.
At this moment I am studying several things:

Instant Influence
How to Focus and get the right things Done
Social Media Marketing
Secrets of Good Marriages
How to be more grateful

And I have planned for the future the following topics:
How to discover your children's best qualities and help develop them
How to raise confident children
Principles of the Law of Attraction
Dream Interpretation

As you may see these are too many topics, but they are topics that are constantly in my brain. I am reading, and studying and learning as much as I can about these topics that interest me so much.

I am also involved in the arts and graphic design and wish to learn how to make websites and be a better graphic designer, and also am interested in learning about Life Coaching.

However, I cannot do all this at the same time. I need some structure so I want to get your input.

Which ones of these topics interest you the most?

And what would you find more productive?
To concentrate on a single topic a month? Or have a different topic for each day of the week?

I have made a poll on my Facebook Page and I encourage you all to go there an vote. Your information will help me greatly.

Also if there's any other topic that you would be interested in me exploring, please share it here as well. Thanks to all of you for being so great and helping me out on my quest.

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