Monday, February 27, 2012

Ice Skating

I have been away from the computer for a while. I have been taking care of some things at home that I need to take care of and I haven't had a chance to write. I sincerely apologize.

I expect to be back writing soon, but in the meantime, I will try to post pictures I have taken.

These pictures I want to share are from my second attempt at Ice Skating, this time I went with my sister-in-law and her children. It was a lot of fun. So much that we went twice in one week.

Gaby & Geisha

Elsie, Aleyshka & Alexandra

I really enjoyed having the opportunity to go ice skating with the family, it was really nice.

Have you ever gone ice skating? How do you like it?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hubby and I

The Author of this post is Herman Barry

My husband and I have a pretty heated debate going on at our house. He really wants us to go to and sign up for a lot of additional TV channels so he could watch all his sports on the weekend. I really don't think it's a great idea for a number of reasons. First of all, my husband already works 50 hours a week and I feel like anything that takes up more of his precious free time is just going to shortchange the family. On top of all that our sons are both in their teens and I don't think it's a great idea for them to spend all their time watching sports. I would much rather than be outside playing or hanging out with their friends, but the last thing I want is for them to become couch potatoes. I don't know, maybe I am being too controlling and I really just feel like I like it the way things are around here and I don't know that it's a great idea to disrupt our lives.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ten years ago...

Me and Gaby

Gaby and Daddy!

Ten years ago we were just learning to be parents. Our first baby was only one and we were getting the hang of it.  We were new to New York City, just had moved here about 2 years before and we were raising our first daughter in a new city with very little family to help us, and we did a pretty good job at it.

Ten Years ago, my step-dad and my mother in-law where still with us.

Ten years ago I was about 45 lbs less than I am today and had only one daughter.

Ten years ago I had a dog named Ozzy.

Ten years ago, I was more naive, more insecure, less confident. I dressed somewhat different and my husband had longer hair.

Ten years ago I had not met Robert Downey Jr yet.

Ten years ago was very different from today, in many deep ways that are hard to explain.

How where you ten years ago? Do you ever look back and reminiscence? What life do you like better? The one you live now or the one you had 10 years ago?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm afraid to try...

Continuing this Blog Dare 2012 I am faced with the question of what am I afraid to try?
I am sure that if I think about this, long and hard I will come up with a different answer, but the first thing that came to mind is: escargot.

The moment has never presented itself, I have never been in a restaurant or place that even remotely sold this, but if I ever was presented with the opportunity I would probably be afraid to try it.  Mostly because I imagine it to be slimy and yucky, and I really think slugs and snails are kinda cute, so I would feel bad trying them.

Another thing that I would eb afraid to try is Bungee Jumping

First of all I get vertigo very easily and I believe I would throw up if I ever do this, and another thing that makes me afraid to try it is just being nervous that the cord would break.

Have you ever tried escargot? How does it taste? Is it slimy?
Is there anything you would be afraid to try? Food or otherwise? How about bungee jumping? Have you ever done it?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mom never gets a sick day...

When Cold season arrives, it is mom who usually ends up taking care of everyone in the family, all the kids and daddy too if he gets it too.

But who takes care of mom when she gets sick? Many times dad will be able to, but if he goes to work, mom tends to stay home just taking care of herself and the kids when they get home from school, but if the kids are not in school yet, then mom only has the baby's nap time to rest.  And she has to get up, take care of the baby, make breakfast and make sure everything runs smoothly.

So when does it all change? I would hope that when the kids are teenagers they would give mom a bit more of restful time to recover since they would be capable of taking care of most things by themselves, but one must only hope.

How is it in your home? Do you get someone to take care of you when you are sick? Or do you have to do everything yourself even when you are sick?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

An appliance I could not live without.

 I'm not sure I can say that there's an appliance that I couldn't live without since I feel like there's always an alternative way to do things.  The refrigerator is the closest thing that I can think of to be an appliance I couldn't live without, yet if I ever found myself without a refrigerator, I would just buy only what I was going to be consuming that day and go about my day.

Another appliance I am fond of is the stove and oven, yet if I didn't have that I would use the microwave or Bar B Q. When I first got married we had a propane BarBQ that we used instead of a stove, it was totally crazy but it did the job.

I can find a replacement for almost any appliance, or I can do without. I use a broom instead of a Vacuum, I use a fork for beating eggs and mixing cake batter. My mom even taught me to make brownies in the sandwich maker instead of the oven. And almost anything can be made in the microwave these days, and if you don't have a microwave, you can do everything in the stove or oven. I even make my coffee in one of those cloth coffee filters, nothing mechanical in that.

This is not about being earth friendly or any other alternate way of doing things, it is just that in my life I have had to do without at some points in my life so I learned to find alternate ways of doing things and it's not a big deal.

How about you? Do you have an appliance that you couldn't do without? What is it?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Overcoming fear.

Many years ago I was overwhelmed by fear. Fear of absolutely everything. Fear of abandonment, of failure, of not being good enough, of not having enough money, of getting hurt...

My life was not happy, it was miserable, all I could think of was on all the bad things that could happen to me and how miserable I was going to be if all those what if's where to happen. Until I realized that I didn't have to wait until my fears came true in order to be unhappy, I was unhappy waiting for my fears to come true.

It wasn't until my friend April gave me the book the Secret by Rhonda Byrne that I realized that all these fears where only keeping me down and I was attracting bad things into my life.  That's when I decided to take a stand and work hard to control my emotions and take away fear from my life.

Every time I would start to freak out and start being afraid of something I would distract myself with something funny, be it TV show or funny pictures or a movie or a song. Anything as long as it made me laugh. The thing was to keep my mind off any bad thoughts until I was able to control my thoughts and emotions better.

It is something that takes effort, and perseverance, but it is something that it is very possible. Once you gain control of your emotions and your thoughts your life will change for the better and you will never go back.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Marriage Myths Revealed - Part 2

I'm continuing today the last week's topic of Marriage Myths. Today we are going to be talking about the last 3 myths.
  • Myth# 3 - In Happy Marriages, Child Care and Housework Are Evenly Distributed
          Why is this myth so destructive? Well, since the beginning of time women have been taking care of most of the child care and housework in the family. Even though times have changed, and men now are taking care of many of the tasks that had originally been expected to be a "women's job" it is shown that to this day women still do most of the housework and child rearing. Yet women have grown to be more discontent with this arrangement and expect the work to be divided equally. By expecting this women tend to then be less happy and more resentful and have less happy marriages. Instead women should be happy if their significant other helps out as much as they can, but don't wait for full equality in order to be happy, or you probably won't be.

  • Myth #4 - Both Partners Are Responsible for the Level of Marital Happiness
 Many women tend to feel like if their husbands are in a constant bad mood then they are helpless to change them I have heard from friends complaints about their husbands and how it is them that have the problem, and they can't do anything about it.
The author believes something different. He says that many of his female patients will come to him complaining that if the husband has a bad mood then it is their own husband's responsibility to fix it, but the author says that there is something that the wife can do.

He recommends that the female take charge of her own happiness, if the man is in a bad mood the woman can take care of herself and by doing things to lighten her own mood she will be in turn lighting up the mood of her husband because there will be a more positive attitude in general in the household.

So it is possible to improve the dynamics of the relationship even if only one of the members of the couple is making an effort.

    • Myth #5 - If Your Marriage Makes You Unhappy, the Best Solution Is to Get Out
    The author says that in his practice he has encountered many couples who have chosen to divorce mainly for 3 reasons:

    -The couple has grown apart
    -Difference in lifestyles and values
    -Not feeling loved or appreciated by the spouse

    According to the author these are not the best reasons to choose divorce. He states that when people grow up, get older, they tend to grow in different directions, it is very unlikely that both will grow exactly on the same path, so it's selfish to expect another human being to grow on the exact direction of another without some differences.

    Regarding the differences in values and lifestyles he says that it usually refers to having differences on how to spend the money and raise the kids. It is suggested that the couple work on learning to compromise and see different points of view.

    When the times are not so good, it helps to concentrate on the benefits of marriage. Women that
    believe that marriage is for as long as you both shall live instead of until both shall love tend to have better marriages and work harder at it. Women tend to be the ones who complain more about the satisfaction in the marriage and if they instead focus on the positive aspects of the marriage the husband tends to appreciate the effort and they end up meeting the wife's needs more over time.

    Well, these are the 5 most destructive myths about marriage. if you want to learn more I recommend you read the book The Secrets of Happily Married Women
    it is a very interesting book with many insights to the world of Happily Married Women.

    What do you think about the Myths? Do you agree with them, or disagree?

    I thought I would hate...

    I'm a very picky eater and I always thought I would hate many things. As I grew up I learned to give new tastes a try and with that came the love of many foods I thought I would always hate.

    Those foods include:

    Spinach Artichoke Dip
    Yellow and Green Zuchinni

    Pear Cake
    Banana Bran Muffins
    Mocha Coffee
    Brazil Nut Milk in Coffee
    Pork Gyoza
    Pad Thai
    Lo Mein
    Medium Rare Steak

    There are many more foods that I eat now that I would have never even tried when I was a child, or even a teenager. But I must say that our palates mature and we are more open to eating things that taste different.
    Now I am trying to include fish in my diet, more sea food. I don't normally eat sea food, unless it's chunk light tuna from a can, but the other day I ate fish, made at home, by myself. I ate it slowly, it is not something I'm used to eating, but it didn't taste bad. I want to give my daughters a good example, they where shocked!

    -Mommy! What are you eating?
    -Fish and what else? You are not eating chicken?
    -no, no chicken.
    -Just fish?
    -yup, just fish.

    My daughters looked at me in disbelief, but it felt good. They know I am a picky eater like them and by me taking the fist step and eating something that I claim not to like I am opening the doors for them to try new and different things in the future, and that makes me feel proud.

    Is there something you tried that you thought you would hate, but didn't?
    Tell me about it.

    Wednesday, February 8, 2012

    A place from my past that felt like home

    This post might seem redundant, since the only place from my past that felt like home has been my grandparents house. I'm not sure what other people may write about of this particular prompt, but when I think of my past I think about growing up in Puerto Rico, and spending the summers and then most of my teenage years and college years in San German with my grandparents, yet that past doesn't seem so long ago either. 

    I've moved a lot since I was little and every one of my houses felt like home, even if that was for a short period of time.

    Is there some where in your past that felt like home? What made it special?

    My Volunteer Work

    I have not been one to volunteer too many times, in fact officially I have only volunteered once, and it was for New York Cares when they came over to paint my daughter's school a few years ago.

    But unofficially I have always been a volunteer at my children's schools, in PTA, helping out in the school Christmas Play, and on several School Trips.

    This picture is from my daughter's Christmas Play at her school. The Nutcracker. My daughter was Marie, she became an instant celebrity at school. I helped with the decorations and the children's makeup and costumes.

    On this picture you can see my daughter's school trip to Build A Bear.

    As a mom, this seems like just things that we should do, just another part of motherhood. But not everyone does it, not everyone can.

    I like to Volunteer for things related to my daughter's school, and I would like to some day volunteer in bigger ways, and teach my daughter's the power of helping others. As of now, I tend to help out more by donating to different causes.
    Do you volunteer? How? What do you usually do to give back?

    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Carpe diem

    Carpe Diem or Seize the Day, is not an expression I use but in the past few months I believe I have done just that.
    It has been little things that most people might take for granted, or that some others will think it's not a big deal, like going to the movies on a Tuesday afternoon after school, or taking a road trip to a different state with the girls, going Ice Skating, even daring to go to Spa Castle!

    The daring things about Spa Castle is that they have an outdoor pool that is heated, however to get to it you have to go outside in 30 degree weather and run to the pool to keep warm. We were freezing that day but we ran to the pool and stayed there all nice and warm. The bad part was getting out!

    I have always been one to live carefully, try not to shake things up too much, and even though it might seem like simple things, they are experiences way outside my comfort zone. And what I have gotten out of it is a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment and enough courage to keep doing things I have never tried before.

    Have you ever seized the day? What did you do and how did it feel?

    Monday, February 6, 2012

    More Freebies! For Valentine's Day!

    This is another Freebie for you guys from the makers of My Memories Suite Software. This is a template that you can use even if you don't have the MyMemories Suite Software, however if you do decide to buy it there's so much cool things you can do additionally with it.

    Here's a sample of what I made with this designer pack.

    As you can see I added some extra stuff to it and it came out really nice.

    Please remember that if you are interested in winning the software for free you have to follow the instructions and enter the Free Giveaway Contest

    But if you just want to buy it you can buy it with the $10 discount code that I give to all my readers: STMMMS85137

     Stay tuned because I will be giving out more freebies weekly, I will try to do them on Mondays, but if I miss one Monday I will do it some other day in the week.

    Feel free to share with me your creations at laura (at), maybe I will post in here my favorite ones! 

    A tough decision.

    Picture from

    A tough decision I've had to make... well, that's a tough one. LOL Pun totally intended.
    But seriously speaking, I used to have a very hard time making decisions. I couldn't make a decision if my life depended on it. I had the tendency to just over think things, I would recreate in my head every possible scenario, and unless I was sure that I could handle even the worst case scenarios then I would not even make a decision, I would say to myself that I couldn't take action on something that I was not confident about, so I did nothing. i would wait and wait for things to resolve themselves however . I would let things play out by themselves.

    With time I realized that I was not really living my own life, I was just letting things happen, I did not achieve anything I wanted because I had even stopped having dreams and wishes, I lost all desire to have anything at all and that was not gratifying. When I learned that I had the capability to achieve everything I wanted, the only thing I had to do is believe I could have it, work toward it, and have faith, and the most important of it all, was wanting something in the first place.

    Once I took charge of my life, I started making decisions based on the things I wanted for myself, and I started allowing myself the pleasure of wanting something, and working for it and achieving it.

    This Blog is in itself a fruit of that. I have it because I dared to want it, and I took action and made it all real.

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? How did it turn out?

    Sunday, February 5, 2012

    Words people use incorrectly.

    In these new times of computers, and texting, and tweeting, many people especially kids have started to use words incorrectly.

    There is the very common and acceptable texting terms, like u instead of you, ur instead of your, etc and then there are those terms that are completely wrong, like the misuse of the your, you're words.

    Another thing that kids do lately, especially in Facebook is alternating between cap letters and lower case letters, plus replacing the z for the s, k for the c and adding extra letters etc. Like:
    Boutt Tuu play Dha wii w mii siztaa
    This means I am about to play the Wii with my sister.

    I really don't like this kind of writing because it makes it difficult to understand, and it doesn't serve a purpose like when you are texting or tweeting that you need to abbreviate.

    But the truth is that being annoyed by typo's has paid off since I am currently helping out editing a book and my name will be mentioned! I'm excited because it helps me build a portfolio of editing jobs, and then I can get more work doing that too.

    Do you feel annoyed when you see words being used incorrectly or mistyped? Or are you one to do that all the time?

    Saturday, February 4, 2012

    I wish ____________ would happen...

    What do I wish could happen?

    I wish that me and my husband where in the same state right now, that we could be closer every day, without having to wait for that.  I wish we could spend Valentine's Day together, and my birthday, and his birthday. But these are things that unfortunately won't happen this year.

    I have never been away from my husband this long, and I wish know that after this transition we will be able to be together without having another period of being apart for so long.

    I wish know we could can buy a house together in the near future, make a lot of money doing what we both love.

    I wish know my daughters would will be in really good schools that will help them develop their best qualities and that they become very successful and happy.

    I want to change all these I wish with I know. Because having faith is the only way that we can really make our dreams come true.

    Friday, February 3, 2012

    Marriage Myths Revealed - Part 1

    As I said before, I am dedicating the month of February to Marriage, Relationships, Heart Health, and Love.

    I am going to start a series of posts regarding these topics and today I would like to start off with the first part of the two part post on the 5 most Harmful Myths about Marriage, I really want a discussion to develop on this one so please feel free to write your comments and let me know what you think about these myths.

    I have been reading this really good book on Marriage called The Secrets of Happily Married Women and in the chapter called Take Charge of Your Own Happiness it describes 5 of the most destructive myths about marriage. The book says that believing these myths are actually detrimental to your marital happiness. I found this book to be very good, and it gives advice that I find valuable. However it is not for everyone as it is a man that writes the book and some of his comments might be seen by some as controversial. But to me they, are sound advice.

    • Myth #1 - Marriage automatically makes you happy.

    The book says that there is a difference between Personal Happiness and Marital happiness. Most people refer to general happiness as personal happiness, but in marriage there are times when one has to put aside their personal happiness in favor of marital happiness. The author explains that once a couple gets married they should put marital happiness first above personal happiness. Husbands and Wives need to consider how their actions affect each other. When couples take time to consider each other they will be happier as a couple. By being happier as a couple they then to be happier in general which works out to everyone's benefit.

    I really think this makes a lot of sense, because in a marriage the happiness of one influences the happiness of the other, and the same goes the other way around.

    • Myth #2 - Good Marriages are always Passionate and Heart Throbbing

    The author says that he hears in his office many times women who come to him worried that they love their husbands but they are not "in-love" with them anymore. He says that when a wife says that she loves her husband but is no longer in love with him she means that she has a strong core connection but not that knock-your-socks-off attraction that was there at the beginning of the marriage. It usually means that the wife feels a sense of commitment, mutual obligation, trust and security, but not the raging fire of passion they felt when they where dating.

    What I found most interesting about this is that the author says that for most couples that intensity of passion that was felt at the beginning of the relationship is usually a temporary state. The feelings that we all have when we fall in love come directly from our biological makeup. When we feel desire and longing it is because our brain is being influenced by the hormone estrogen if you are a woman and testosterone if you are a man. After that comes a phase of infatuation and the emotional excitement, brain activity and chemical body changes in both men and women in much the same way. It is the body's way to give the couple time to bond with their mate to insure the survival of the species.

    Losing the thrill of passionate love is a jolt that hits almost every married couple eventually....
    ...that definitely does not mean "it's over." Absolutely not. In healthy marriages, the love is still there, but out of evolutionary and practical necessity, it has changed.
    Those who are patient with this life change (and happily married women are remarkably patient) will see that these passions transform themselves into the kind of love that holds a marriage together for the long haul.

    In its next stage, love pushes the brain to produce vasopressin and oxytocin-chemicals associated with feelings of attachment and contentment that encourage the sense of calm, peace, and security that couples feel with a long-term partner. This is the kind of love that is lasting and, if accepted and nurtured, will accompany you and your husband through many years of a happy marriage.1
    I think that this particular myth is very significant. Many couples tend to think that they have fallen out of love, when the reality is that the love has evolved into a different stage. The reason why this myth is so detrimental is because it brings couples to sometimes look for another person outside the marriage looking for that passion they felt for their spouses in the beginning.  But these affairs also don't tend to last, because soon the passionate phase will also fade in the affair, and the damage will already have been made with the spouse. If  people understood that this powerfully passionate state is just a phase, then maybe less people would go out of their marriages looking for what they think is missing in their relationship. Instead of looking for a missing piece, couples who face this stepping stone in their marriage should instead look within each other and see where the relationship has evolved and in which ways it is bringing more stability to the relationship.

    What do you think about these 2 first myths, do you agree or disagree with them? Have you ever believed any of these myths?

    Next week we are going to be talking about the next 3 myths, these are very controversial and I know many of you will have different opinions on them

    1. Scott Haltzman MD;Theresa Foy DiGeronimo. The Secrets of Happily Married Women: How to Get More Out of Your Relationship by Doing Less (Kindle Locations 1582-1584). Kindle Edition.

    That's when I got caught...

    This post might be embarrassing to my grandma, so Mami if you read this, sorry!

    But this is the story of how my family found out I had a tongue piercing.

    When I was in my early 20's I got a tongue piercing and tried to hide it from my family. I was still living at home, with my grandparents, and my aunt. I had managed to hide it through the first few days and I was surprised, since my tongue was really swollen and I could barely eat. But I ate soup and kept to myself, I tend to be quiet so they didn't think anything was strange.

    My grandma is much shorter than me so I think that made it easier to hide, and I wasn't really concerned about my aunt finding out, although I'm not even sure if she already knew or not. But anyway, what I remember of that faithful day was that my grandma and my aunt where in the room with me, they are joking around and all of a sudden my grandma grabs her boob and asks my aunt if she wants "teta" it was a joke as if she was offering her grownup child if she wanted to breastfeed. It was totally playful and they where laughing but it totally caught me off guard and I gasped and opened my mouth in shock that my grandma had done that! All of a sudden my grandma asks: What's that in your mouth?! And that's when I got caught!

    My grandma freaked out, and told me I was going to get cancer and would never get a job, and my grandfather stopped talking to me for a whole day. I remember crying and asking my grandpa to talk to me and he did and all was forgiven.

    Have you ever tried to hide something and gotten caught? How did you get caught?

    Thursday, February 2, 2012

    I admit, I enjoy... 80's Movies

    I love 80's movies, the romantic comedies, the teenage movies, comedies, horror, etc.
    I have shared some of these movies with my daughters who in turn learn to love them as well, at least some of them.
    Some of my favorite movies from the 80's are, in no particular order:
    • Shag (1989)
    • Satisfaction (1988)
    • Chances Are (1989)
    • Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
    • Goonies (1985)
    • Never Ending Story (1984)
    • Beetle Juice (1998)
    • E.T. (1982)
    • Weird Science (1985)
    • Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
    • Annie (1982)
    • The Karate Kid (1984)
    • Mannequin (1987)
    • Splash (1984)
    • Back to the Future (1985)
    • Big (1988)
    • Terminator (1984)
    • Die Hard (1988)
    • Lethal Weapon (1987)
    • Commando (1985)
    • American Ninja (1985)
    • Poltergeist (1982)
    • Aliens (1986)
    • Ghost Busters (1984)
    • *Batteries Not Included (1987)
    • Adventures in Babysitting (1987)
    • Fright Night (1985)
    • Gremlins (1984)
    • Honey I Shrunk the Kids (1989)
    • Innerspace (1987)
    • Caveman (1981)
    • Weekend at Bernie's (1989)
    • 48 Hrs (1982)
    • Summer School (1987)
    • Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
    • Sixteen Candles (1984)
    • The Breakfast Club (1985)
    • Pretty in Pink (1986)
    • The Pick Up Artist (1987)
    • For Keeps? (1988)
    • Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985)
    • Three Fugitives (1989)
    • Cloak and Dagger (1984)
    • Firestarter (1984)
    • Cat's Eye (1985)
    • Babes in Toyland (1986)
    • Tuff Turf (1985)
    • The Man with two brains (1983)
    • Three Amigos (1986)
    • Roxanne (1987)
    • Throw Momma from the Train (1987)
    • When Harry Met Sally (1989)
    • Back to School (1986)
    • Johnny Be Good (1988)
    • Great Balls of Fire (1989)
    And I am sure this is not all of them, but just a few that I still remember. But it seemed that back in the 80's when I was a pre-teen I spent most of my time watching TV and Movies. It was an obsession, and even when the 90's where starting I would continue going to the Video Rental Place and choosing 80's movies. I remember there was a time, maybe a particular summer when my aunt would go to the video rental place and we would choose about 7 movies and we would watch them back to back to back. It was crazy, but I loved it, and it is part of many fond memories of my childhood.

    This post made me realize how different movies where back then and I also realized how many of these movies I liked and they where action movies. Currently I don't watch many action movies anymore, mainly because it's just one explosion after the other and the high tech capabilities of this decade makes them way too much. I don't know, maybe I should give action movies of today a little brake, who knows, I might like them.

    What are your favorite 80's movies? 

    It's Groundhog Day!!

    Last year I wrote a post about Groundhog Day and I would like to share it again with you guys! I was just going to re-post the same but I decided to just share a link to the original post.

    In it I talk about what the day represents and what it meant to me growing up. I am going to follow the tradition that I started last year with my daughters and it is to see the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.  I really love this movie because it teaches us to live life more fully, because we tend to take our lives for granted many times and we should go for what we want.

    Take this time to enjoy the day, hope that Spring is around the corner, cozy up with hot chocolate and watch a movie with your family.

    Do you celebrate Groundhog Day? How do you celebrate it?

    Wednesday, February 1, 2012

    The most underused item in my house...

    The most underused item in my house, which I am thinking I might just sell, is the Bissell Little Green Multi-Purpose Compact Deep Cleaner. I bought it when I had a fabric couch and since the girls made a mess in it, I bought it thinking that it could be a good thing and it would help me keep my couch clean and fresh.

    But the truth is that I found it hard to use, in the sense that it would wet my couch too much. I don't know if I was using it right, but I had to be constantly adding more liquid and then I had a soaking wet couch and no one could use it for an hour until it dried. So it was very inconvenient. Another thing about it is that it didn't really take off the stains that I had problems with.

    Fast Forward to today and we have a new Black Leather Couch and we don't have carpets so we have no use for the vacuum now and it sits there unused.

    Do you have anything in your home that is barely used? What is it, and why don't you use it more often?

    Happy 1st Birthday Cocoons2Butterflies!

    Today is Cocoons2Butterflies 1st Birthday! I can't believe that a year has gone by so fast!

    My First Ever Post was about Super Parenting and I remember that I even tried to create a Giveaway back then. The only person that entered the contest was my daughter and my mother. LOL

    I'm still trying to figure some things out, but I consider that this Blog has exceeded my expectations for its first year and I am very proud of myself and I am very grateful for all the amazing people that I have met along the way.

    This week I am going to write a two part article on the 5 Most Harmful Myths about Marriage and I want to get the discussions going here.

    A brand new year, a whole new set of goals and dreams.

    When is your Blog Birthday? How Old is your Blog Today? Do you think it has changed throughout the years?

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