Sunday, February 5, 2012

Words people use incorrectly.

In these new times of computers, and texting, and tweeting, many people especially kids have started to use words incorrectly.

There is the very common and acceptable texting terms, like u instead of you, ur instead of your, etc and then there are those terms that are completely wrong, like the misuse of the your, you're words.

Another thing that kids do lately, especially in Facebook is alternating between cap letters and lower case letters, plus replacing the z for the s, k for the c and adding extra letters etc. Like:
Boutt Tuu play Dha wii w mii siztaa
This means I am about to play the Wii with my sister.

I really don't like this kind of writing because it makes it difficult to understand, and it doesn't serve a purpose like when you are texting or tweeting that you need to abbreviate.

But the truth is that being annoyed by typo's has paid off since I am currently helping out editing a book and my name will be mentioned! I'm excited because it helps me build a portfolio of editing jobs, and then I can get more work doing that too.

Do you feel annoyed when you see words being used incorrectly or mistyped? Or are you one to do that all the time?

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