Sunday, August 7, 2011

The 10 Days to You Challenge - Nine Loves - Day 2

 Nine things that I love in no particular order.

* Blogging.
I must say it is such a wonderful feeling to be able to express oneself this way.

* Skating.
I don't do it often, but when I do it very much makes me happy!

* Celebrities
It may sound corny but I love how celebrities lead these famous lives yet they are so much like average people.

*Watching TV and Movies with my hubby in bed at night, even if I fall asleep. Just spending that time together makes it very special to me.

* I absolutely love when my hubby puts his arm around me when we sleep.

* When my daughters look at me with those amazing eyes and smile at me.

* Chicken, Tomato and Cheese
I could eat chicken every day for the rest of my life, cooked in many different ways. and I can eat almost anything with tomato sauce and cheese on top of it XD

* Swimming Pools
I may not know how to swim too much, but if I had a pool I would go in it every day that was hot outside. And if it was an indoor pool I would go in it every day!

* Helping People,
 I always like to help people out in any way I can.

What are 9 things that you love? I'm sure there are more than 9 things,  but name the first ones that come to mind. Also, please follow my other friends that are also doing the challenge: Mom-A-Logues, Spilled Milkshake, and Dayna Musto who was actually the one who told me about this. Are you up to the challenge too?
Don't forget to come back tomorrow for Eight Fears

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE blogging, too! I should have added that one! There are so many things I love, it was hard to chose 9 lol. It's so sweet you mentioned your husband and daughters, too! Your love for them is awesome!


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