Friday, March 9, 2012

I never get to __________ anymore.

There are quite a few things that i don't get to do as often as I'd like here in NYC, that's one of the reasons I don't like living in NY so much. And those things are Bowling, Swimming and Roller Skating.

Those are some of my favorite activities. I totally love them! When we move to Florida I will totally love to do these things with the girls more often, it is not only great exercise it is so much fun!!

When I was little I would live with my skates permanently affixed to my feet, I would even walk up and down the stairs with them. As an adult I bought a pair of Red Sketcher Skates. They are so heavy! But they are very comfortable, and I love them. Although since they are so heavy it takes much more effort to skate with them. But it gives you a better workout.

With Swimming, I have never had a lot of chance to swim often, not even when I was living in PR. I always dreamed of living somewhere with access to a pool. Hopefully in Florida I'll have that chance. I love pools so much that in January when I went to celebrate my friend's birthday party at Spa Castle, I spent 5 hours in the pool! The only downside to that was my hear felt so horrible for days afterwards.

And with bowling, I used to be on a Bowling League when I was in middle school. I had some trophies and everything. i would participate every week and went on tournaments. It was a moment when I felt really good.

These 3 things not only bring back memories from my childhood, they are great forms of fun exercise and I can't wait to have the opportunity to do all three more frequently again, I'm sure the girls will enjoy them too!

Is there anything that you wish you did more often that you don't get to do anymore?

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