Monday, December 12, 2011

What do you share and what do you keep to yourself?

Lately I have been thinking about the restructure of my Blog. I want to make it be more educational.The reason for that being that I am in a constant state of learning. I am day in day out reading and learning about a few topics in specific. One of the topics I am constantly learning about is Education, mainly how to raise kids in a way to build up their true potential and how to deal with the different setbacks that sometimes occur normally throughout life. I also love to learn about marriages and how to make marriages better, and how to be a better person and recently I am absorbing all things social media. Because I am constantly learning about these topics I would like to be able to share with you the things that I learn while I learn them, but I want to be able to write with my own voice, and describe the reason why I was inclined to learn about the subject in particular. Yet I am left thinking that there are times when the reason behind the learning of a particular topic is highly personal and I might say, What does it matter if I share a private topic with the online world? No one really knows me in real life, but then I think of all the people I really DO know in real life that will read it and then it makes me re-evaluate writing about it in the first place.
I know that many of you who Blog may have encountered yourselves with a dilemma like this. What do you do when you have a sensitive and personal topic in mind and would like to know what other people think about it, but don't want other people who you really know in real life to read it?
Hove you ever been in a situation when you decided to share and it backfired?
Please share! :)

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