Sunday, July 17, 2011

Check out my new Facebook Page!

Well, today my daughter tells me she made a Fan Page for Hatsune Miku on Facebook, I check it out and it's pretty good! I tell her to please help me out with mine. I had tried to make a fan page for my Blog a while back yet I had not been able to figure out how to make it all nice and pretty and functional, so Gaby went on my page and made it all nice. Now I have a few followers and I'm all excited about it.
Please check my new Facebook Page for Cocoons2Butterflies I need 25 Likes to be able to have a username so please "Like me" on the page. Also as a Thank you to my daughter for helping me out I will promote her Hatsune Miku Fan Page as well. Please check it out and "like" it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks mom! And everyone PLEASE check out my mom's page... Oh and if you have time please out my too! :)


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