Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Do you always feel tired?

Hi, everyone, I have been out for a while. Even though I thought that I would have some more time on my hands in the past 12 days I have been actually more busy than normal. Taking care of more stuff and at the end of the day being too tired to even get on the computer to write or do much to that matter. But I am coming back. I have realized that I need to Manage my time more efficiently. Anyone of you have some tips for me?
I need to figure out how to clean, help with homework, spend time with the family, work, Blog, Blog Hop, Write, Exercise, Study for my Online Classes etc. I'm so tired!

Anyway. I read this article on The Surprising Reason You are always Tired and I immediately thought of checking this out as I do take Synthroid for my thyroid and I always imagine that my tiredness is only due to lack of sleep, but I want to make sure that it's not just that.

Everyone please read this article if you suffer from tiredness. These kinds of articles have actually saved my life. I used to suffer from depression, wouldn't loose weight even with diet and 4 hours at the Gym a week, and I was always tired, had dry skin and hair loss. I actually saw a commercial on TV that mentioned all my symptoms and suggested going to the doctor and check for hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) and I actually had it. Since I started the medication the depression went away in less than a week and I felt much better. But for the past 2 years I still can't loose weight, am always tired and my skin is dry so I wonder if I need a higher dosage of my medicine. I go every 6 months to get my levels tested but they doctor always says it's normal. But I am going to go to my doctor and have him evaluate my medication carefully to see if a bit more of my medicine would actually improve my tiredness and help me loose a bit weight and help improve my skin. I will print this article out and bring it to the doctor and see what he says.

Anyway, do any of you have had this happen to you? How about with anything else? Has an article ever saved your life? I want to hear your story!

1 comment:

  1. One can't stop reading or getting some exciting news every time. I'm always tired but I've never associated it with my health. Reading this post has triggered me to get an appointment to see my doctor. Visiting you from voiceboks member to remember.


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