Monday, April 4, 2011

Household - How do you keep up with it all?

Lately I've been feeling like it has been hard to keep up with it all. It seems like I have not mopped in 3 weeks and I sweep whenever I see something in the floor, at least once a week, and I have been culling through paper and other clutter and while I am creating a dent on it all, it still seems like there's much more than I can handle.
The dishes have been staying half way done, as it seems like I do the dishes and 20 minutes later the sink is full again, so I just do enough dishes so I can see the bottom of the sink partially and I feel like at least Ive done something. I am behind in chores, and I struggle thinking about which is more important? Spending time with the hubby or Putting away the laundry? And it seems the hubby is winning because the laundry is still untouched since Thursday. But then it's so hard to find underwear or socks when all the clothes are still in the laundry bad, and then after being there for so many days the clothes get all wrinkly and then I have to iron it and I truly don't want to do that. So how do you set priorities on what to do next? How do you choose what to do when the list of things to do is too much to do in one day?
I need help in this area? All tips are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Let me tell you...You have to sacrifice for a week to put everything in order....and after will see that you want to keep the house...your home super in order. Give the girl chores....and one set of dishes for more than that....and each is supposed to wash what belongs to them.And less clothing out to change all the time....Pick Up and Hang your Uniform...and books in order...Sofa clean ....No stuff aloud there. eating at the table even the snacks...You will see....But the do everything is the only correct answer in order for you to be eventually FREE....or Do as the Fly Lady? Big Hugs!!!!!!

    I am doing 4,000 meters of raking and cleaning in our land...and after that painting the house ....and floor...after that planting and then..... Free to be Happy with You and the Girls...=)....God Bless You All...MaBuela


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