Tuesday, October 29, 2013

When all you need is Faith and a Vision.

 Hello everyone, I have been absent for a while due to some partial loss of inspiration, but I expect to come back in full force, and give you things to think about that will hopefully help you in one way or another.

Today I have chosen to talk about Faith and Vision.
I have been hearing a lot lately about the importance of having a clear vision of what you want to achieve in order to achieve it.

Vision and Faith are the Key ingredients for Success in Life, lately I keep hearing this over and over again.

This is something I have struggled with for a long time. I believe this partial lack of Vision is what led me to create this Blog. What I want to achieve here is to make people think, and find within each of you the tools to move forward at those times when you feel Stuck.

What is your Vision? Take a moment now and think about it. What do you want in life? What do you want to be remembered for? What do you want to leave as a legacy to your children and grand children?

Once you figure that out, take a moment and ask yourself, Do you have Faith that you will achieve that Vision? That is all that you really need. A Vision, and Faith that you will get there.

Do you have both? If not, which one of them do you consider you struggle more with?

In my case, I struggle more with the Vision.  If you think about it, it makes more sense to struggle with the Faith rather than the Vision, because How can you possibly have Faith on something you don't know?  But that is what I feel sometimes, I have a very strong Faith in God, I know that I am here in this world with a purpose, and that I will fulfill that purpose, however, my Vision is very vague. Yet recently I've decided to work hard at making that Vision very specific. In fact, I will be doing an exercise to help me out right here, right now.  I don't know if you know this about me, but when I write I don't plan it, I just sit at the computer and type away, whatever comes to mind as my fingers walk through the keyboard keys.  I encourage you to do this exercise with me if you also struggle with having a Vision.

When you think about your purpose in life, what do you think about? What do you feel makes you special? If you don't know, take a few minutes and think about the people close to you, what are you known for by them? If you don't know, then ask them. What makes you who you are? Are you Funny, Helpful, Creative, Tough?

With me I am helpful, and a good friend. I will go above and beyond for the people I care about, and one thing that makes me happy is to be able to help those I care about the most. I am constantly looking for ways to help out my friends in any way I can, and making connections with people, by connecting people who need of each other.

How can you take that quality and apply it to making an impact in the world? I truly believe that the basis of every human being is to be of some significance in this world, even if all you do is impact the life of one person, that one person may be able to impact many more thanks to how you impacted them.

I can take that helpful quality and expand it to strangers, not only to my loved ones. I can extend my helpfulness by donating items, time or money to different causes. I must say I currently do that, I sponsor two girls in Children's International and I donate every year to F.L.A.G a School for girls in the Philippines. I also donate my used Magazines to a local Charity that brings them to the Children's Ward in a Hospital so that Parents have something to read while their children are being treated for serious health problems. I also started a creative business where I provide Graphic Design Services for people and Photography Services, Publishing Services, Event Planning Services, and all of these creative Services are provided by me and my dear friends, it's a collaboration, I want to have extra income and I want to help my friends achieve the same, we work together for a common goal. Ideally I want to be able to make enough money so that I can donate some of the proceeds to different charities that me and my friends feel strongly about, and we all do. If you want to check us out go to MZ Designs on Facebook.

So now, think back on your answers. Do you see anything that gives you an inkling on your vision? I do. My Vision is to have a Collaborative Company with my loved ones, where each of us gives part of who we are to the world, providing creative services that fill a need, that make people happy, that we can grow to a point where we will be able to expand our reach to help in many more ways. Not only with our services but with the things we will be able to do when our resources become abundant. I want to be able to impact millions of people, billions, trillions even. I want to make a difference in this world and do so hand in hand with the people I love who want to join me in this venture.

What do you want to achieve? What is your Vision?

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